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Dimensions263 x 350
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Image typeJPEG
Robert Daniels

Robert Daniels

Robert Daniels
Robert “Bob “Daniels was born in Mount Vernon, New York. He attended the public school system in this city and was an avid reader in his youth. This early love for books fueled his daydreams. One of seven children, he turned these daydreams into his earliest art. His love of the Saturday Evening Post inspired him to drawing and color on the brown paper bags that his mom compiled from grocery shopping. Bob continued to draw and win prizes at every educational level. His self- portrait won first prize in a county high school art contest. Bob is a passionate mixed medium artist who uses all types of mediums and surfaces to express both his feelings and visions. Robert uses the colorful stories of his Caribbean heritage and his ancestral history to weave his stories. Mr. Daniels is a graduate of Herbert H. Lehman College. He has a BA in Studio Art. His area of specialization is Printmaking and Graphic Art. He has won many prizes and awards for art in Westchester County, New York and was proclaimed a nationally recognized artist by the state proclamation in 200o. Robert is currently living in Barzano, Italia. His latest work is mostly figurative black and white pen work. “My latest work incorporates both, the techniques of printmaking and drawing. I utilize the linear planes and curved lines to create dimensions that narrate my journey. My life has many stories, the struggles, the joys, in short, my art tells of the contrasting emotions within me. “Robert likes to use recycled materials, old canvases, wood found in the street, old paper or used clothing. His choices of mediums are crayon, pens, and ink, paint and etching tools. “I like the work ethics of Basquiat and Picasso. Their attitudes towards life, the lack of fear and strong use of color fuels my ideologies…..rd13