I'm a catalan painter @lluis_molina on Instagram, It's title is "Héroes sin capa"

Technique: oil and mixed media on canvas

On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 10:57 AM Uxito Lluís Molina <[email protected]> wrote:

I'm a catalan painter @lluis_molina on Instagram, I've been contacted there by _thepinkapricot to submit this painting for your online exhibition. It's title is "Héroes sin capa"

Technique: oil and mixed media on canvas

Size: 65x54cm


Would love to recieve more information about when it will be released and for how long. I imagine that you'll reference my Instagram page, please tell me the conditions before using my work.

Lluís Molina

Size: 65x54cm

Uxito Lluís Molina

[email protected]