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Photo Info

Dimensions376 x 343
Original file size140 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUncalibrated
Date modified4-May-18 13:44
James Romeo©

James Romeo©

- James Romeo © Palladium print limited editions 10 signedFor a number of years, James has specialized in fine art photography, using 19th century and early 20th century photographic techniques. His varied interests in the arts included both photography and printmaking.
James was born in 1934 in Seneca Falls, New York. His love for photography started in his early teenage years, and he was the photographer for his high school newspaper. After studying at the Rochester Institute of Technology in the early 1950's, Romeo worked as an assistant to photographers in New York City. He then specialized in maritime photography, traveling on cargo ships and tankers throughout the world. His images have appeared in a wide assortment of maritime books and publications, as well as in such periodicals and newspapers as Fortune and The New York Times. Romeo began to study, and then to practice, alternative printing processes-Platinum, palladium, gum bichromate, and Kallitype-Vandyke. He also started working with large format cameras including pinhole.
His work has been exhibited both in the USA and abroad, and his photographs are in the holdings of private and public collections, a number of his photographs are in the collection of the New York Public Library. He has lectured on alternative printing processes at the International Center of Photography and the United Nations Photographic Society, and currently prints old negatives for the New York Historical Society.