Lena Rushing
Lena Rushing - California, USALena Rushing
Lena Rushing is a contemporary-narrative artist and curator, committed to connecting with the public through art. Rushing supports a variety of nonprofit organizations by offering art to auction for fundraising events and spent a decade volunteering art lessons with children at her neighborhood school. Her work typically features a strong, unconventional female presence and relies heavily on symbolism.
The day I started, on April 26th, Johns Hopkins University reported over 200,000 deaths, 2.88 million cases related to COVID-19.
The day I finished, on May 5th there were more than 3.5 million reported cases and 251,718 deaths.
In the time it took me to make this box, there were at least 700,000 new reported cases and more than 50,000 deaths. see work in mixed media gallery
12"x15"x 3 1/2" shadowbox
About the piece:
The day I started, on April 26th, Johns Hopkins Universityreported over 200,000 deaths, 2.88 million cases related to covid.
The day I finished, on May 5th there were more than 3.5 million reported cases and 251,718 deaths.
In the time it took me to make this box, there were at least 700,000 new reported cases and more than 50,000 deaths.